Well I got up this morning an felt as if I didn't get a wink of sleep but I actually did because I am still awake as we speak (type). So I get ready for school then head out. Just a little after 9am I arrive at the school I go into the lab I work in, I sit down an start talking with Jeremy. We get on the subject about our friend "Pete". Apparently "Pete" doesn't like the way of our orientation session having to go so long. I say this, there's the door don't let it hit you on the way out! If you don't want to work, then you need to quit. We need workers here not people to take space. An he is a big boy. So he takes up quite enough space. He whines all day. He told me one day I was Jeremy's shit list. I am like?!??!?! I went out to dinner with him and my female friend Das not too long ago. I am pretty sure if I was on his "shit" list we wouldn't of been laughing an acting goofy as we usually do. I mean we have our times but we get over it and continue on with life. That stuff is the past. Until he learns that he is fucked! He is too old to not realize it. But enough about Stinky "Pete". I took my last two finals today!
On my first final which started at about 950am this was my CIS 112 final Intro to Networking, that class involves alot of reading and etc. I wouldn't want to go into networking after taking that class so I am glad I chose the Programming aspect of the CIS world. I wouldn't be able to remember that stuff plus that isn't what i am interested in. More Programming than anything. I will hopefully become just as good Jeremy with practice of course, as they say: "Practice makes perfect". But I did excellent on my final in CIS 112. I obtained an 84.4% on my Final Exam, then we had extra credit I got a 60% my friend who sits next to me, got an 84% and a 40% on his Extra credit, but the Extra credit was to help you rather than hurt, so for example he got a 84% on his Final Exam, then got a 40% on his Extra Credit; the extra credit was 10 questions so its XX out of 10 Points. So he got an extra four point on his final grade which made him get a 90% on his Final. So the extra credit really worked out for me! I ended up getting a A-. Pictured at the top right hand corner my grades Along with a B in Math 080 and a C in CRJ 131 though the CRJ 131 hasn't been posted as of yet. I hope I got a Satisfactory in ENG 081. I also ran home so many times today because I left this and that therefore I had to go back and get it. I also got my next math book for Winter 08 via Financial Aid payment, then later on I ordered my Psychology book and paid via Financial Aid. And I ordered my Ansi C book off of Amazon, 43 bucks + tax + shipping & handling. I saved like 68 bucks! I am loving it. I turned my books in got 117 bucks for them I also bought my next set of books for Winter 08. Just the Psychology 131 and Math 110 book. It was quite an interesting day today. All that running now I need more gas for my car from all that running back and forth to here. I hope who all are reading this have a safe holiday as well. Well thats about it for me now! What about your day?
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